A Cave Tale

A Game Jam Platformer


Play the game here!

A Cave Tale follows the story of Ramon, a kid reading about a dark cave that houses an ancient sword. Ramon imagines himself only armed with a flashlight as he traverses the cave to retrieve the sword. Collect batteries to improve your flashlight strength. Collect the sword and return to the entrance to win the game.


This game was created in Unity as part of a 7 day game jam, running from September 18th, 2020 to September 25th, 2020. The focus of the game was collectibles, with the theme being "There and Back". Because of this, we decided to make a game where the player must collect batteries to increase his visibility, and go into a cave and back out, collecting a sword along the way.


My friend and I decided to join this game jam because we wanted to create a game under constraints. The time constraint made it an incredibly difficult challenge, as we had to brainstorm ideas and develop one of those ideas all within one week. I found myself spending 10 hours a day on programming, art, and animations to try and make this game come to life.

This game taught me how to manage my time effectively and develop a plan early on. Setting daily tasks and goals made sure I never had a moment where I didn't know what I should be working on. I also better understood how to program in C# and learned Unity on a deeper level.